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Combining measurements and IoT since 2019

Addiot Realtime Measurement Service with MQTT is a powerful monitoring and analytics software that enables to measure, monitor, and analyze asset data from multiple IoT devices in real-time. With MQTT support, Addiot can quickly collect measurements from connected assets via a scalable and secure messaging protocol. The data can be processed and stored on the Addiot platform for reporting purposes or further analysis. The service also provides role-based access control for enhanced security, as well as an intuitive web-based user interface for a smooth user experience. 

How does it work?

Collecting data using a phone is a convenient and efficient way to gather information. AddIoT stores this data to a real-time database, which allows for immediate access and updates to the information. This type of database can also provide a level of security to protect the data, as well as a means of browsing the data's history through a web browser. This allows for easy access to the information from any device with an internet connection, making it an ideal solution for remotely collecting and managing data.

In addition to providing a secure and easily accessible location for the data, it can also be published in real-time using the MQTT protocol. This enables instant readings and real-time updates, allowing for more immediate and accurate analysis of the data. This is especially useful for applications that require real-time monitoring and decision making, such as IoT devices, industrial automation and many other use cases. With MQTT, data can be published and subscribed in real-time, making it a powerful tool for data collection and management.

Seems cool, how can I participate

The pilot program being offered for system testing is an exciting new step in the innovation process. Not only will this encourage feedback through real-world usage scenarios, but it also offers a unique opportunity to see how the system works and perform in different environments. This testing phase is designed to help identify potential areas of improvement and further develop features to enhance usability. By participating in this pilot program, testers will be contributing to its development and helping ensure that a successful product is released into the market.

Feel free to fill your information below and we might contact you with more details about participating to the pilot phase:

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Contact us

meterIoT was founded in 2019 to make new kind of eco system of IoT devices that are affordable, easy-to-use and versatile for multiple purposes. The result is simple system with easy cloud integration with various of different sensors and functions to suit most of the demands that you can imagine! Integration to to cloud couldn't get more easy than this! Meteriot Oy was established in late 2021 after many proof-of-concepts that you are using at the moment.

To find out more, please visit our homepage at 